
Explore the World Through Our Experiential Eye!


The Ultimate Lyon France Travel Guide

Lyon makes an excellent historical and tasty home base should you consider exploring further afield.


Half-Timbered Rouen: Jeanne d’Arc’s Garden

The days continue grey and autumnal. It is this way as we head out onto the autoroute for our drive to Rouen, and it stays the same until we arrive in the city of the famous St Joan of Arc a couple of hours later. Down the Avenue des Canadiens towards Jeanne...


Discover the Many Charms of Guadeloupe

“Nous sommes en grève.” Thierry, our friendly guide, tries to soothe the first-morning bad news. ‘It took me twice as long to cross the bridge this morning as it normally does. We are going to have to change our itinerary.’ Bienvenue...

Czech Republic

Much is Revealed On the Road to Prague

We say goodbye to Dresden, and look forward to the delights of Prague. A Sunday drive through some very picturesque German countryside is scheduled this morning. Part of our route is indicated on our map as scenic, and it certainly is. We enjoy green rolling...

North America

You and Me and Moonlight in Vermont

‘People who meet, in this romantic setting Are so hypnotized by the lovely Evening summer breeze Warbling of a meadowlark Moonlight in Vermont’ The Blackburn and Suessdorf standard softly serenades as a languid late afternoon summer sun greets us...

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